Sunday 2 September 2012

Get Fit Or Die Trying!

So we're two days into the month of September and there are some lifestyle changes I am trying to implement in my life. At the top of this list is eating healthier food and exercising more regularly. At first, the sole intent was to lose weight, for whatever reason, until i realised that if I don't maintain a healthy lifestyle, I'll lose tons of weight and just gain it all back again. Which was heart-breaking considering that shedding the kilos is 10 times harder than putting them on! Infact putting on kilos isn't hard at all!

So anyway, i will be blogging about healthy foods and cool exercises to keep your body looking summertime fine! Life's all about having many little goals, and accomplishing them as you go. Start small and always aim to do better than your last time. Wake up earlier for an early morning run, choose to munch on an all bran muffin instead of a chocolate one, decide to drink green tea in the office, and get rid of the coffee, drink LOTS of water!!! It's the small changes that often appear insignificant that birth the biggest, most rewarding results!

So if you hope to see change in December, wake up in the morning and do 200 stomach crunches before you go shower. Work at your own pace, and only compete with yourself! That way you'll see radical changes. Remember, if you eat well and exercise regularly, the weight will take care of itself. You'll soon get there. I'm also on my journey back to health. Let's do this!!! 

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